Expanded PTFE Tube Manufacturers

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Expanded PTFE Tube


The SUNPASS EXPANDED PTFE Tube is designed to operate effectively at high working temperatures, making it perfect for use in extreme environments. Our PTFE tubing is highly chemically resistant, allowing for uninterrupted flow without the build-up of deposits. The vibration damping properties of PTFE are exceptional at both sonic and ultrasonic frequencies. Expanded PTFE tubes can be easily bent, folded, or wrapped without kinking. Moreover, the tube has porosity, which makes it ideal for systems where a liquid must pass through the tube while vapors are expelled.

Expanded PTFE Tube

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Product Details

Items Data
Apparent Density (g/cm3)  2.1-2.3
Tensile Strength (MPa) ≥15
Crack Elongation(%) ≥230
Dielectric Strength (KV/mm) 10
Working Temperature(°C)  -180 ~ + 260 

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Application Data
Comparison Vision

1. Chemical industry
2. Semiconductor industry
3. Pharmaceutical industry
4. Food and beverage industry
5. Aerospace industry
6. Automotive industry
7. Electrical and electronics industry
8. Oil and gas
9. Water treatment
10. Laboratory applications
11. Medical equipment

Simply you can wholesale Expanded PTFE Tube direct from manufacturers.

Professional Manufacturer

SUNPASS SEALING i a leading manufacturer in Sealing and Insulation in China. Production & Service 7*24 . Sunpass is a famous Chinese brand and Expanded PTFE Tube suppliers known by the world since 2000.

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